Articles / October 19,2011

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Laffer analyzes Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 proposal to reform the federal tax system.  Dr. Laffer points to his research for the Laffer Center and the high cost of complying with the current tax codes, declaring that reducing tax code...

Articles / April 18,2011

Tax compliance employs more workers than Wal-Mart, UPS, McDonald’s, IBM and Citigroup combined. There is a lot more to taxes than simply paying the bill. Taxpayers must spend significantly more than $1 in order to provide $1 of income-tax revenue to the federal government. To start with,...

Articles / April 14,2011

The U.S. income tax system relies on taxpayers to self-report their income – the system only works if most taxpayers view the outcomes as fair and accurately self-report their income. As such, excessive tax complexity is undermining the very foundations of our current tax code....

Articles / November 11,2010

For now: Extend the Bush tax cuts, repeal ObamaCare, support free trade. After 2012: Enact a flat tax, stabilize prices, balance the budget, give politicians incentive pay. The Wall Street Journal 11/11/2010 Since its cyclical zenith in December 2007, U.S. economic production has been on its worst...

Articles / August 01,2009

Government’s increasing role as a regulator and payor for health care services has resulted in a large and growing government health care wedge—an economic separation of effort from reward, of consumers (patients) from producers (health care providers).  Rising government expenditures for health care are the...

Articles / April 02,2009

A 0% tax on carousing, but 55% on thrift. April 2, 2009 By ARTHUR B. LAFFER In most cases, people who inherit wealth are lucky by an accident of birth and really don’t “deserve” their inheritance any more than people who don’t inherit wealth. After all, few of...

Articles / April 01,2009

A sound tax system is simple to understand, not overly costly to implement, and minimizes economic distortions.  Compared to other state, Texas’ current tax system is sound, but it can be improved by repealing property taxes and replacing the revenues with a reformed sales tax. Download...