Study / September 01,2015

These series of charts offers a snapshot of West Virginia’s economic climate and how the state compares with other U.S. states. The charts were included in Dr. Laffer’s remarks to  the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Meeting on September 2, 2015. Link to study: West...

Study / March 27,2015

Summary •  Keynesian policies exacerbated both the Great Depression and Great Recession, while supply-side policies gave us the Roaring Twenties and the Reagan Eighties—the two most prosperous periods of the 20th century. •  The ideal public policies should be: a.) a low rate broad-based flat tax, b.) spending...

Study / December 01,2014

A prosperous economy is created via good economic policy and then getting out of the way to let America’s amazing companies and citizens work, produce and invest. The perfect pro-growth agenda includes: a low rate flat tax, spending restraint, sound money, minimal regulation, and free...